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Talugian Writing "Hello"

Talugians have no tongues, but the variability of the sounds they can make is still extremely high. They use the rocky inside of their mouths to create rock clattering like sounds, and their “windpipes” can create very gas-like wheezy sounds as well. They use this combination of rock clattering and gas-releasing like noises to communicate verbally. They use a set of characters for writing, which they call the Tukul alphabet, named after the creator of this revolutionary tool. The alphabet is a phonetic alphabet, meaning its characters represent sounds. Like humans in the modern age, a lot of the communication the Talugiansl have is highly digital, so the written form of the language is used more than the verbal one. The written language is simple in look, and uses arrow like figures in different sets of positions. There are 53 letters, since the Talugians have many sounds to make, they decided to include a decent amount of them here. They do this because often the species will have 1 or 2 different rocky mouth formations, so while they might not be able to express themselves with that specific sound, many letters are replacements for them. This way a Talugian can express themselves the way they do verbally, and gives them identity as individuals. Other languages exist on Talagus of course, but Talugians are advanced as they are because of their general unification. With the same majority religion, and language, its hard for them to fight amongst each other, and so their focus remains on what really matters. Other languages belong to tribal more primitive Talugians who live on the “country” side. The Tukul language is very ancient itself, but the phonetic written alphabet was more recent.

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