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Tiberius is a large red sun located about 55 thousand lightyears away from New Earth. The sun

has allowed life to thrive here. With conditions similar to that of Venus, the hot volcanic temperatures

of 465 degrees Celsius allows the Talugians to live comfortable.

Talagus is a decently sized planet, being about 3 times as large as Earth. It takes 475 Earth days

for a year to pass, and 100 Earth days for it to rotate. The species on planet Talagus are powerful, being

able to live in these extreme temperatures and at 20g’s. Much of Talagus’s culture and traditions change

and adapt with these extremely long days and nights, migration patterns are very strange yet useful.

In order for there to be a relatively good tradeoff of night and day for any Talugian citizen,

extremely fast ground transportation exists. Talugian citizens are allowed to travel to day and night

locations in a one-way ride every 7 days in order to save resources for the large population of

approximately 10 billion. This allows the people to participate in many different activities. Farming

cycles are different on the day and night sides of the planet, many holiday establishments will only

operate on the night cycles since temperatures cool down considerably. In the heat, Talugians are not as

comfortable as in the cooler weather, similarly to humans. However, in the heat, Talugians ap into the

full potential of their power, being able to perform feats a human could only dream; this makes the day

side of the planet highly industrial.

Buildings of all sorts exist all throughout the planet, but only operate when their optimal

day/night cycle arrives. This variable factor keeps the population bustling and always thinking,

constantly changing turns out to improve the management and organization of the planet’s people and

resources. In general, these long days and nights do not even affect Talugians nearly as much as

humans, since their lifespan is on average 500 years, their time sense is quite different.

Planet Talagus

Basic Data

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